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Elevating Ocean Solutions for Climate Action: Bridging Science, Policy, and Implementation

Cairo Climate Talks

Cairo Climate Talks, © www.kairo.diplo.de

27.02.2025 - Pressemitteilung

Jointly Organized by the Embassies of Germany and France in Egypt

Cairo, Egypt – 25 February 2025 - The German and French Embassies organized jointly at the Institut Français d’Egypte on Tuesday, February 25th a high-level panel discussion titled „Elevating Ocean Solutions for Climate Action: Bridging Science, Policy, and Implementation. This event is organized in the upcoming of the Third United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC 3) that will be held in Nice, France, in June 2025.

The event was a cooperation in the framework of the Cairo Climate Talks, organized by the German Embassy in Egypt, and the Blue Talks, a global initiative organized by France in preparation for UNOC3.

H.E. Éric Chevallier, Ambassador of France and H.E. Jürgen Schulz, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany opened the event. Ambassador Chevallier indicated “The protection of the oceans is for us a priority. In June, 10 years after the signing of the Paris Agreement during the COP21, France will host the 3rd United Nations Conference on the Oceans. We share a common interest to tackle climate change, and Egypt, like France and Germany, has a big role to play for marine protection.„

Ambassador Schulz emphasized: “Only through vivid synergies between relevant actors from science, politics and practice can we develop sustainable solutions to protect our oceans and climate. Collaboration is the key to driving real change.„

The event addressed the critical role of oceans in climate action, including ocean conservation, carbon sequestration, and climate adaptation. These pressing issues have profound implications for global environmental policies and marine biodiversity. The event, which gathered around 150 attendees, including policymakers, scientists, civil society representatives and the interested public, highlighted the urgent need for enhanced ocean-related commitments under the Paris Agreement and the ongoing ratification process of the the United Nations BBNJ Agreement (Biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction) This new international treaty would mark a new milestone in multilateral marine protection.

The panel united influential voices from Egypt, France, and Germany to explore strategies for integrating ocean conservation into broader climate mitigation efforts, namely by:

  • Prof. Dr. Elham Ali (Suez University and National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Science)
  • Ms. Alexandra Lamotte (French Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Planning)
  • Dr. Ralf Sonntag (World Future Council)
  • Dr. Mahmoud Hanafy (Hurghada Environmental Protection and Conservation Association)
  • Dr. Tamer Kamal (Egyptian Ministry of Environment).

In two rounds of questions focusing first on the global importance of oceans in climate change, and secondly the Egyptian context, the speakers explored the role of oceans as vital ecosystems and economic resources. Furthermore, they discussed innovative solutions and practical strategies for protecting marine biodiversity and enhancing ocean resilience.


About Cairo Climate Talks:

Building on the strong partnership between Egypt and Germany in the fields of energy and environment, the Cairo Climate Talks (CCT) were initiated in 2011. Public events and expert workshops provide a platform to exchange experiences, raise awareness and foster cooperation between policy makers, business, the scientific community and civil society.

About Blue Talks:

In the upcoming of the UN Conference on the Oceans held in Nice in June 2025, co-organized with Costa Rica, France is organizing Blue Talks worldwide in order to mobilize governments, public institutions, civil society, and all relevant actors around the issue of the protection of Oceans and marine biodiversity.

For further information, please contact the Embassy of Germany or the Embassy of France in Egypt.

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